Saturday 19 November 2011

Never a Bridezilla?

Us Brides always start off with good intentions, stating categorically that 'I will NOT become a Bridezilla' but we all know, in truth, it's going to happen....but the fact remains, when will it happen!
I like to think I’ve been pretty chilled in the run up to my wedding, not letting anything faze me and taking every obstacle thrown in my way as it comes and trust me there have been a few, from a nightmare (ex) bridesmaid, disastrous wedding dress fitting to possibly having my honeymoon cancelled (due to extreme weather) I’ve had it all!
Although I may have had a few fluttery moments along the way, a few huffs and moans it’s been pretty smooth sailing. I have had an amazing fiancĂ© who isn’t afraid to get stuck in and plenty helpful friends ready to lend a hand….so with all that support around me, I thought I was bound to be A-OK. How wrong could I have been.
Trust me ‘Bridezilla Syndrome’ sneaks up on you, creeps into your bones and jumps out at any poor unsuspecting soul when you least expect it. I pity anyone who crosses my path at the moment. Now I am sure that this disease (yes I am going to be that strongly opinionated about it, it’s that extreme) affects people in many different ways, for me it comes out as anger and irritation and I just can’t seem to control it. it’s only started to rear its ugly head in the past 3 weeks and it’s already taking its toll on me.
Any act of lunacy or stupid remark from someone sparks of this dark deep fire in the pit of my stomach and I am unable to help glaring, shouting, tuting and in the most extreme cases swearing and hysterically crying. I might as well bare my teeth, bite them and be done with it. It’s horrid. Now for those of you who have experienced this you will know exactly what I mean and will be able to be sympathies and of those who have gone through it and come out the other side please tell me when will it end?
So far I have verbally attacked a random stranger for taking my parking spot when we had been indicating to go in…she rightly needed to be told off but maybe not to the extent I did, my poor friend sank in her seat as I let rip. Countless times I have glared and tuted at some stupid passerby for making me move to avoid a collision. I’ve had my hand glued permanently on my horn, beeping at drivers who clearly don’t know the rules of the road, shouted and sworn at a guy who decided that the best place for him to stand was in the middle of the road, whilst I was driving on it!  Snapped (a lot) at my soon-to-be-hubby (although let’s weigh this up and be fair, he has been the same) To crying at the drop of a hat at anything and everything.
‘Bridezilla Syndrome’ is all consuming and the next two weeks, leading up to the big day are going to be stressful…who was I kidding thinking that I will beat the stereotype. It’s some consolation that I am not as bad as some Brides, I have heard some horror stories, but I’m not my normal self that is for sure.
I guess us Brides are all in this together, so let’s take a deep breath and relax…it’ll all be alright on the day!


  1. I lovee this article, so well written!and ooo i can be a witness to ur uncontrollable anger these days with that guy on the side of the road lol but i must say you havent been a bridezilla throughout the whole year and a half leading up to the wedding so ur allowed these last 2 weeks :P love u lots xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Ah thank you sweetie, I try :-)

    Sorry you had to witness that but he shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the road so he kind of deserved it!

    I'm ok at the moment but these last 3 weeks have certainly been testing, my nerves are on edge, no one should cross me hehe!

    Love you to Zemer, thanks for all your support xxxx


Be honest, but not harsh :-)