Friday 25 November 2011

Slim Limbs or Curvaceous Thighs?...

…This seems to be the question on many a journalists’ lips.

It really baffles me why we as a nation have such an obsession with our weight and how we look. I mean I can’t lie I fall victim to this time and time again, we all do. It’s hard not to compare yourself to the beautiful perfectly formed images of women we see in the media, but in my eyes it has got to a stage of lunacy.

Eating disorders and obesity has never been as high as it is and really is there any wonder why? We are either comfort eating due to depression or starving ourselves to achieve what we believe to be the ultimate figure. It seems, for many, that a happy medium cannot be found. We are either bursting out of our clothes, close to having a heart attack from the fat surrounding our arteries or starving ourselves stupid until our bones protrude out of our skin, either way it’s unhealthy.

It really saddens me that we can’t just be happy with who and what we are. We all have flaws, no one is perfect and theses imperfections can make someone incredibly beautiful. Take me for example, my eyes constantly change colour, that’s a flaw, but it’s interesting and makes me unique.
Who came up with the connotation that being size 0 was the ideal, that this makes you beautiful in the eyes of men, in the eyes of the world?

Take the story in the Daily Mail about Martine McCutheon. Martine has always been an advocate of the fuller figure, she believes in who she is and quite surprisingly will happily admit (and quite rightly) that she is beautiful. So why, despite the fact she looks healthy, do the media constantly pick. Ok, so she was slimmer in 2000, but come on we are almost 11 years on, you get older, your genes alter, you’re not going to look the same at 41 as you did when you were 30…it’s not genetically possible! Something the media seem to ignore.

I really admire Martine. She has curves and she isn’t afraid to show it. There are so many ‘role models’ out there that don’t depict a true reflection of the ‘average’ women so seeing Martine is to say the least a breath of fresh air.

It goes to show that once you learn to accept who you are, warts and all and love yourself then constant obsession over being the ‘ideal’ weight and shape will soon disappear. You’ll feel a millions times more confident and ultimately happy. That quiet confidence in who you are will radiate and people will certainly gravitate towards you more. Who wouldn’t want to be in the company of a confident happy women, it’s very attractive.

So girls learn to love those lumps and bumps, they are part of you and short of undergoing a body surgery overhaul there isn’t a lot we can do. Love what god gave you and stop comparing yourself to the images in the media, learn from Martine’s outlook on life. She looks amazing and she isn’t a size 0, learn from it and just be yourself…..not an imitation of what you think you ought to be.

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