Monday 12 March 2012

The Aftermath Of Marriage

So it’s been nearly 4 months since I last wrote on my blog, sorry fellow readers!
Clearly I am slacking, being a married woman is more hard work than I first thought, but I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world. After getting married hubby and I have now decided to throw ourselves into moving into a new house, we really don’t do anything by halves.
I’m going to be honest from the onset, I’m not going to wax lyrical about an all singing all dancing beauty product that’s sure to work its wonders. I’m merely here to talk about what happens after getting married. Now it’s an age old joke (between men) that women will inevitably let themselves go once the words ‘I do’ are muttered at the alter and for some I guess that is or will be the truth. However, in my opinion that is not the case at all.
Since getting married I feel there is more pressure (in a positive way) to make an effort, to look after one’s beauty regime. It’s important to remind your husband why he married you, not turn into a slob the moment you walk through the door after your blissful honeymoon. Women getting married put so much effort into looking great ‘for the big day’ so why not carry it on afterwards? I’m not saying you won’t have your ‘off’ days, hell I sure do! But it’s also important to keep the spice alive and I’m not taking hanky panky antics, although it helps!
It is true that you feel more comfortable and I won’t lie in the fact I have put on a bit of weight but there is being comfortable and then there’s being too comfortable. Your husband isn’t going to expect you to be in full make up with your hair neatly blow dried the moment he opens his eyes but equally he won’t expect you to be walking round in a stained t-shirt, hair pulled into a scruffy bun while he has ‘the lads’ over…there is, most definitely a fine balance between the two and as a women it can be hard juggling the demands of work, kids (if you have them) and a marriage. Getting married you say your vows ‘til death do us part’ and (if your escape the statistics) that’s exactly what you’ll do, be there together till the bitter end, therefore you don’t want to start married life on the wrong foot, it’s a long road and keeping things fresh between a husband and wife is important…not doing so can and for most will lead to some rather nasty bumps in the road, which you can’t always cross and get over.
I guess all I am saying and it applies to the lovely men in our lives too that we should and we must look after ourselves, keep our marriages alive and most importantly do so for our own confidence and happiness.

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