Friday 18 November 2011

To Colonic or not to Colonic...

In my search and obsession for the ultimate bridal glow I began my research for a miracle. Now for those blessed with amazing skin, you’re the lucky ones. For those like me, who suffer with breakouts it’s hell, I’m sure a lot of you out there sympathies and will have been, at some point in time, in the same frame of mind as me.
Now as you will have gathered I love all things beauty related, hence why I started this blog and I will (to a certain extent) try anything in my search for perfection…or as near to it as possible.  With an impending wedding no Bride wants the worry of spots, especially when there is a camera or two in your face all day. You want glowing, healthy, smooth skin and why shouldn’t us women want that, it’s our special day (sorry guys, its true) after all.
So when my Google search initially brought up suggestions such as diet, exercise and drinking plenty of water for the perfection complexion, I was disappointed. I do all that, I needed something more extreme, with quicker results. My research continued and eventually I came across a website detailing the benefits of colonic irrigation, my first reaction was to feel slightly nauseous, who and why would you do this. However, my deep curiosities lead me to continue reading and the more I read the more I become transfixed with the idea that this was my solution, the perfect fix.
So the question remained, to colonic or not to colonic?
As I didn’t know anyone who had been through the procedure I could only take the advice of the clinics website and other reviews I had read. So after some deliberation I eagerly phoned them and arranged an appointment for the following week.
Now for those of you who have had the procedure done, you will agree that it is slightly alien, laying knees up, naked from the waste down in front of a stranger is not a normal everyday occurrence, for the majority anyway. I won’t go into the nitty gritty of what happened, I am sure most of you can imagine. But, what I will say was it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It wasn’t painful, maybe a little uncomfortable at the start but that was about all. There was no mess, no smell and it was all pretty dignified or as dignified as it could be considering the circumstances.
The aftermath is something I think a lot of people considering colonic are worried about, however, let me lay your insecurities at ease….afterwards you feel exactly the same, you might, like me, get a slight dull headache from all the toxins which have been flushed from your system but that’s at the extent of it. You’ll feel a little slimmer and your clothes may feel slightly loose, not bad for a half hour treatment hey!
What I do have to say is that colonic is no quick solution and in all honesty your skin may be worse afterwards, as the toxins come to surface. It wasn’t the quick solution I thought it might be, but I would have it again…in fact I did, twice now. It’s not a procedure that can cure and be the miracle some might hope, like I did. It’s certainly an aid to achieving the perfect complexion and healthy body but that has to be teamed with all the other dull recommendations made to us - diet, exercise and rest and plenty of fluids.
So my search for the perfect skin continues….

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