Friday 18 November 2011

The Un-Known Super Lipgloss!

I’ll happily admit it I’m a beauty brand whore. If it’s expensive, well known and splashed all over the magazines then I’ll love it and want to consume it in unhealthy doses.  If I have never heard of it and if it’s cheaper than £5 then I will shun it with a great deal of snobbery, I’m sorry it’s true…but that was until I stumbled across, unwillingly, the NYC range.
So, how did I, this Estee Lauder and Clinique super fan come across the unassuming lesser known lip gloss? It’s simple really; I was strapped for cash and in need of something to inject some colour into my lack luster pout.  Browsing the makeup isle, I went past my usual haunts, Dior, Clinique, Estee Lauder and Chanel but with only £2 in my pocket and a few days before pay day (I.e, no money in the bank) I could not justify cracking out the credit card.  So a £2 bargain hunt began and that’s when I came across the affordable brand NYC.
With a frown on my face I stomped my way to the cashier purchased ‘Rivington Rose’ and moodily slunk off home.
I got ready for my night out, applied my newly acquired lip gloss and hit the town and when my girlfriend complimented my lip colour I honestly thought I’d been slapped in the face. I found myself falling, surprisingly quickly, in love with my £1.99 bargain and as I looked in the mirror (for the first time since applying it) I found myself staring in wonder. It was a beautiful colour, not too sticky, had a good shine and applying it was a breeze.
So I partied the rest of the night away with a big fat smug smile plastered across my face knowing that my £1.99 wonder was safely tucked in my clutch.
Needless to say I’m not so much of a cosmetic snob anymore. I’m now on my second NYC lipgloss, love it and am proud to show it off. Now it just makes me sick that I used to spend £20 a pop on branded lip attire. Which in truth wasn’t all that it was hyped up to be and all this because I was a brand whore….but not anymore….well not with lip-glosses anyway!

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