Monday 12 March 2012

The Aftermath Of Marriage

So it’s been nearly 4 months since I last wrote on my blog, sorry fellow readers!
Clearly I am slacking, being a married woman is more hard work than I first thought, but I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world. After getting married hubby and I have now decided to throw ourselves into moving into a new house, we really don’t do anything by halves.
I’m going to be honest from the onset, I’m not going to wax lyrical about an all singing all dancing beauty product that’s sure to work its wonders. I’m merely here to talk about what happens after getting married. Now it’s an age old joke (between men) that women will inevitably let themselves go once the words ‘I do’ are muttered at the alter and for some I guess that is or will be the truth. However, in my opinion that is not the case at all.
Since getting married I feel there is more pressure (in a positive way) to make an effort, to look after one’s beauty regime. It’s important to remind your husband why he married you, not turn into a slob the moment you walk through the door after your blissful honeymoon. Women getting married put so much effort into looking great ‘for the big day’ so why not carry it on afterwards? I’m not saying you won’t have your ‘off’ days, hell I sure do! But it’s also important to keep the spice alive and I’m not taking hanky panky antics, although it helps!
It is true that you feel more comfortable and I won’t lie in the fact I have put on a bit of weight but there is being comfortable and then there’s being too comfortable. Your husband isn’t going to expect you to be in full make up with your hair neatly blow dried the moment he opens his eyes but equally he won’t expect you to be walking round in a stained t-shirt, hair pulled into a scruffy bun while he has ‘the lads’ over…there is, most definitely a fine balance between the two and as a women it can be hard juggling the demands of work, kids (if you have them) and a marriage. Getting married you say your vows ‘til death do us part’ and (if your escape the statistics) that’s exactly what you’ll do, be there together till the bitter end, therefore you don’t want to start married life on the wrong foot, it’s a long road and keeping things fresh between a husband and wife is important…not doing so can and for most will lead to some rather nasty bumps in the road, which you can’t always cross and get over.
I guess all I am saying and it applies to the lovely men in our lives too that we should and we must look after ourselves, keep our marriages alive and most importantly do so for our own confidence and happiness.

Friday 25 November 2011

Slim Limbs or Curvaceous Thighs?...

…This seems to be the question on many a journalists’ lips.

It really baffles me why we as a nation have such an obsession with our weight and how we look. I mean I can’t lie I fall victim to this time and time again, we all do. It’s hard not to compare yourself to the beautiful perfectly formed images of women we see in the media, but in my eyes it has got to a stage of lunacy.

Eating disorders and obesity has never been as high as it is and really is there any wonder why? We are either comfort eating due to depression or starving ourselves to achieve what we believe to be the ultimate figure. It seems, for many, that a happy medium cannot be found. We are either bursting out of our clothes, close to having a heart attack from the fat surrounding our arteries or starving ourselves stupid until our bones protrude out of our skin, either way it’s unhealthy.

It really saddens me that we can’t just be happy with who and what we are. We all have flaws, no one is perfect and theses imperfections can make someone incredibly beautiful. Take me for example, my eyes constantly change colour, that’s a flaw, but it’s interesting and makes me unique.
Who came up with the connotation that being size 0 was the ideal, that this makes you beautiful in the eyes of men, in the eyes of the world?

Take the story in the Daily Mail about Martine McCutheon. Martine has always been an advocate of the fuller figure, she believes in who she is and quite surprisingly will happily admit (and quite rightly) that she is beautiful. So why, despite the fact she looks healthy, do the media constantly pick. Ok, so she was slimmer in 2000, but come on we are almost 11 years on, you get older, your genes alter, you’re not going to look the same at 41 as you did when you were 30…it’s not genetically possible! Something the media seem to ignore.

I really admire Martine. She has curves and she isn’t afraid to show it. There are so many ‘role models’ out there that don’t depict a true reflection of the ‘average’ women so seeing Martine is to say the least a breath of fresh air.

It goes to show that once you learn to accept who you are, warts and all and love yourself then constant obsession over being the ‘ideal’ weight and shape will soon disappear. You’ll feel a millions times more confident and ultimately happy. That quiet confidence in who you are will radiate and people will certainly gravitate towards you more. Who wouldn’t want to be in the company of a confident happy women, it’s very attractive.

So girls learn to love those lumps and bumps, they are part of you and short of undergoing a body surgery overhaul there isn’t a lot we can do. Love what god gave you and stop comparing yourself to the images in the media, learn from Martine’s outlook on life. She looks amazing and she isn’t a size 0, learn from it and just be yourself…..not an imitation of what you think you ought to be.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Bridal Make-Up From Start To Finish

This is a fantastic Bridal make-up tutorial, simple and easy to follow....think I might go home and try this tonight.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Extreme Green

Despite the tutors monotone voice this video is a great guide to nail marbling which you could use with the mix match nails described in my previous post.

Perfect way to get inexpensive stand out nails for the Christmas party season.


Tiger Tiger!

Achieving mirror shine high gloss nails couldn’t be simpler, with so many amazing products out there on the market it’s simple, whether you have a bargain basement budget or high end top notch limit.
Nail wraps, minx, magnetic and marble nails are all the rage this season and a new trend making the rounds is mix match.  It’s pretty basic but really packs a punch if you get it right. All you need to do is give yourself a decent manicure and yes that means sorting out those dreaded cuticles! Ensure you apply a base coat and top coat over your chosen colour, I use OPI it’s fab but a little pricy (I’m back to being a brand whore) leave one nail (such as the thumb) free and inject some personality with a stand out nail wrap or foil. These can be bought quite cheaply over the internet; I’d try ebay as a first port of call.
Do one hand a time to reduce the risk of smudging…the key to high shine mirror nails is for them to be perfectly smooth with no nicks or chips.

Monday 21 November 2011

Skin Kissed by the Snow Fairy

I can’t imagine a point in my life where I close the ‘Lush’ door; it’s just not going to happen!
I have an unhealthy obsessive and compulsive desire to try anything and everything this delicious brand produces and my bathroom (currently) is a shrine and smells to high sweetly heaven of the stuff.
Like every Christmas my must have item has to be ‘Snow Fairy’ shower gel and bubble bath which has a delightful sweet smelling fragrance. It smells so good that it is hard to remember in a state of heavenly bubble bath bliss that it is NOT edible….unfortunately!
The only downside is that it’s only available at Christmas. So go out and try it, I guarantee, if you’re a girlie girl like me then you will love it and for a small bottle at £3.95 you really can’t complain, total bargain for the quality you get.
I might already have my own mini Lush shop in my bathroom but I am still hoping that Santa might bring me more (hint to my soon-to-be hubby).

The Down Low on Microdermabrasion

As you all know by now I am a sucker for any beauty treatment that promises results, especially when it comes to problem skin, so it was no surprise to those who know me when I embarked on a course of microdermabrasion, the miracle skin rejuvenation treatment…sounds perfect hey!
Unfortunately growing up I wasn’t blessed with the best of genes and suffered like a lot of teenagers with mild acne. I was always very self-conscious and when my skin was bad I would do anything to not have to face the outside world, that’s dramatic to say the least but it really knocks how you feel about yourself…now most people assume that this is a phase and you will grow out of and luckily for most that’s true but for the minority of people who have to carry on and suffer with adult acne its horrid.
So 2 years ago I decided enough was enough and booked myself on a course of intense microdermabrasion and glycolic acid peels.
Us women are constantly bombarded with images of the ‘perfect women’ and if your anything like me I would sit and compare myself, analyzing everything about what I looked like, which is obsessive and destructive. The fact I had (and still have) a loving fiancé who would always compliment how I look went over my head and I just focused on the negatives.
My first appointment at Face2Face was amazing. Julie, the owner, was incredibly knowledgeable and made me feel at ease, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and Julie explained the whole process and how going forward the treatments would rejuvenate and alter my complexion.
I have to strongly emphasize that there was no pain involved only a little tingling, if there was the slightest chance it was going to hurt I would have vanished out the door.
Julie started off by gently cleaning my face, which was very relaxing, the entire time explaining step-by-step what was being done.  Next came the glycolic peel, which isn’t as scary as it sounds. A solution (glycolic) is gently applied to your face and is only left on the skin until it starts to pinken. Any more than this and the skin would strip and blister. The acid is taken off and this in all honesty is the only part you might feel a little uncomfortable as your skin is quite sensitive, everyone will react differently but as I said it doesn’t hurt, it’s just strange, hot and tingly.
Next comes the microdermabrasion itself. It’s quite hard to describe the sensation of the treatment, the only think I can liken it to would be a mini hoover which sucks on to your face. As it moves around the tiny device fires diamond particles on to the skin surface which gently and harmlessly stripes a layer or two, effectively taking the dead skin off. The skin is then soothed and moisturiser applied. This is such a simple and effective treatment which only lasts about 30 minutes and costs apround £45, which isn’t bad when you consider a facial at a salon would cost around that much and only gives you half the benefits.
Afterwards you will look like a baboons arse or at least I did. It’s more than likely your face will be red and slightly blotchy. I’d advice never to have the appointment on a day you want to go out as applying make-up takes away all that hard work and benefits of the treatment. I’d also suggest, saving embarrassment, not to go to the shops straight after. One time I thought it would be wise to go to Matalan and the amount of looks I got was ridiculous and when the cashier asked if I was ill I wanted the ground to swallow me up!
I have had the treatments now for over 2 years, on and off and at the end of it my skin (apart from the odd spot) is amazing, so microdermabrasion really does help. I wouldn’t say it would clear your skin problems solely, you do need to keep up good diet, exercises and in some cases medication but in my opinion (which is obviously subjective) it’s amazing and well worth investing in.
On a closing note we women should really promote self-love (the innocent kind) and embrace who we are. It’s about time we stopped looking in magazines comparing ourselves to the over airbrushed skinny ‘role models’ we see and learn to love who and what we are!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Never a Bridezilla?

Us Brides always start off with good intentions, stating categorically that 'I will NOT become a Bridezilla' but we all know, in truth, it's going to happen....but the fact remains, when will it happen!
I like to think I’ve been pretty chilled in the run up to my wedding, not letting anything faze me and taking every obstacle thrown in my way as it comes and trust me there have been a few, from a nightmare (ex) bridesmaid, disastrous wedding dress fitting to possibly having my honeymoon cancelled (due to extreme weather) I’ve had it all!
Although I may have had a few fluttery moments along the way, a few huffs and moans it’s been pretty smooth sailing. I have had an amazing fiancé who isn’t afraid to get stuck in and plenty helpful friends ready to lend a hand….so with all that support around me, I thought I was bound to be A-OK. How wrong could I have been.
Trust me ‘Bridezilla Syndrome’ sneaks up on you, creeps into your bones and jumps out at any poor unsuspecting soul when you least expect it. I pity anyone who crosses my path at the moment. Now I am sure that this disease (yes I am going to be that strongly opinionated about it, it’s that extreme) affects people in many different ways, for me it comes out as anger and irritation and I just can’t seem to control it. it’s only started to rear its ugly head in the past 3 weeks and it’s already taking its toll on me.
Any act of lunacy or stupid remark from someone sparks of this dark deep fire in the pit of my stomach and I am unable to help glaring, shouting, tuting and in the most extreme cases swearing and hysterically crying. I might as well bare my teeth, bite them and be done with it. It’s horrid. Now for those of you who have experienced this you will know exactly what I mean and will be able to be sympathies and of those who have gone through it and come out the other side please tell me when will it end?
So far I have verbally attacked a random stranger for taking my parking spot when we had been indicating to go in…she rightly needed to be told off but maybe not to the extent I did, my poor friend sank in her seat as I let rip. Countless times I have glared and tuted at some stupid passerby for making me move to avoid a collision. I’ve had my hand glued permanently on my horn, beeping at drivers who clearly don’t know the rules of the road, shouted and sworn at a guy who decided that the best place for him to stand was in the middle of the road, whilst I was driving on it!  Snapped (a lot) at my soon-to-be-hubby (although let’s weigh this up and be fair, he has been the same) To crying at the drop of a hat at anything and everything.
‘Bridezilla Syndrome’ is all consuming and the next two weeks, leading up to the big day are going to be stressful…who was I kidding thinking that I will beat the stereotype. It’s some consolation that I am not as bad as some Brides, I have heard some horror stories, but I’m not my normal self that is for sure.
I guess us Brides are all in this together, so let’s take a deep breath and relax…it’ll all be alright on the day!

Friday 18 November 2011

HD Brows - Whats All The Fuss About?

Wanting to look fresh, natural and breathtakingly (fingers crossed) beautiful on the big day I have decided to go and get my eyebrows professionally sorted.

Like always I did my research, asked a few friends and was told to go and try HD Brows. Watch this video and you’ll see why I booked my appointment with Drop Dead Gorgeous straight after watching it. It’s all about the design, getting your eyebrows to really match and compliment your face shape, something a lot of people get wrong with over plucking.
I’ll post a before and after picture so you can all see the difference, trust me I can’t wait for my appointment, my eyebrows are bushy!

The Un-Known Super Lipgloss!

I’ll happily admit it I’m a beauty brand whore. If it’s expensive, well known and splashed all over the magazines then I’ll love it and want to consume it in unhealthy doses.  If I have never heard of it and if it’s cheaper than £5 then I will shun it with a great deal of snobbery, I’m sorry it’s true…but that was until I stumbled across, unwillingly, the NYC range.
So, how did I, this Estee Lauder and Clinique super fan come across the unassuming lesser known lip gloss? It’s simple really; I was strapped for cash and in need of something to inject some colour into my lack luster pout.  Browsing the makeup isle, I went past my usual haunts, Dior, Clinique, Estee Lauder and Chanel but with only £2 in my pocket and a few days before pay day (I.e, no money in the bank) I could not justify cracking out the credit card.  So a £2 bargain hunt began and that’s when I came across the affordable brand NYC.
With a frown on my face I stomped my way to the cashier purchased ‘Rivington Rose’ and moodily slunk off home.
I got ready for my night out, applied my newly acquired lip gloss and hit the town and when my girlfriend complimented my lip colour I honestly thought I’d been slapped in the face. I found myself falling, surprisingly quickly, in love with my £1.99 bargain and as I looked in the mirror (for the first time since applying it) I found myself staring in wonder. It was a beautiful colour, not too sticky, had a good shine and applying it was a breeze.
So I partied the rest of the night away with a big fat smug smile plastered across my face knowing that my £1.99 wonder was safely tucked in my clutch.
Needless to say I’m not so much of a cosmetic snob anymore. I’m now on my second NYC lipgloss, love it and am proud to show it off. Now it just makes me sick that I used to spend £20 a pop on branded lip attire. Which in truth wasn’t all that it was hyped up to be and all this because I was a brand whore….but not anymore….well not with lip-glosses anyway!